Friday, December 11, 2015

Wellington Camp!

Wellington Camp

On Monday morning, I wake up at 4:30am. We got to the train station at 6:20am. The train got to Picton at 12:30 and we played for an hour. It was a relief when we finally got to Wellington. It was the first time for me on a train and a boat so I was excited! 
On Wednesday night we went rollerblading and it was the first time we went rollerblading in a long time. It was better than I thought it would be. I feel like I can actually rollerblade now.

On Tuesday night we had McDonalds for dinner and we met Maid Marion from Robin Hood. She was really cool and she knew NZSL. I had a lot of fun and Wellington is a very windy place!

Monday, November 9, 2015

My Genius Hour

I picked my Project because I love horses and I wanted to know more about horses.
I think it was a little hard to find lots of information.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Miranda Caird- My Artist

I chose Miranda because all her art is based on where she lives and is of our beautiful country. I think children should learn about Art because it inspires people and brings people together.

Friday, October 23, 2015


 mellow feeling 

One night something was in my bed so i went to tell my Mum. When i got to my Mums room the big thing had found me felt like... A mellow  monster. I was so scared I slept in my mothers bed. About 3 hours later I heard a big grone so I got out of bed and went to see what the monster looked like, as I got out of the bed the grone got bigger and bigger. As I went to the lounge the T.V started to turn on by itself then the monster went up behind and ate me all up.  

 The End!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My Long Jump!

We filmed me doing some long - jump so I can see what I need to improve on.
Here are some tips for myself:

  • I need to land on my two feet and throw my arms forward.
  • I need to fun faster to get more power in my jump.
  • Wait a little when I finish so I don't go backwards.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My 100WC

                                      The Bear Family!

One sunny Monday afternoon the bear family when on a shopping spree. As the bears were on there way to the shops they crashed, so they had to go back home to get the the cool car to drive. By the time they had got to the shops, the shops had CLOSED! The bears were so sad they went home and had fish and chips for dinner and then went straight to bed! The next morning the bears got up and went to the beach as the got to the beach a man said to them they were to fat so they went home.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Want to know how to write a Quality Blog Comment?

It is important to write quality blog comments because this means you are leaving a positive digital footprint. Enjoy my Powtoon!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Cats V Dogs!

I chose Cats V Dogs to do as my persuasive speech because there are lots of arguments about which animal is better. I personally think dogs are better than cats - you'll have to watch my speech to find out why! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

On Friday Morgan and I did not go skiing with my class so I wrote a story that I made up 
I had never seen a ghost before.  But like I say, there is a first time for everything! One sunny Monday morning I jumped out of bed and felt something on my back; when I turned around I saw it was a ghost. I yelled,
“Mum, Dad come here!”. That’s when I woke up. Luckily it was a dream!

I was on my way to school and as I got on the school bus my best friend started to laugh at me. I asked her why she was laughing at me, she said you are wearing your PJs to school. I went to the bus driver and asked if he could turn the bus around, but all he said was,


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Writing a Quality Blog Comment

                               We are learning to write a quality blog comment

Thursday, September 3, 2015

My Everyday Hero!

My Digital Award

I entered the digiAwards category and chose the Digital Art option. I chose Deb as my everyday Hero because she helps me so much. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Signing with my class, Jorja and Nadia!

Every Tuesday Nadia (Jorja's NZSL tutor) comes in and does signing class with us. We learn new signs and new sign language games. We do this because we have a profoundly deaf girl called Jorja and it is important that we all learn more sign so we can communicate with her. I am quite fluent in sign and want to do it for NCEA when I go to high school.  I think one day I want to do Jacqui's job, which is to be a Resource Teacher of the Deaf. Jacqui comes in for 9 hours a week and works for van Asch. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

#1 Genius Hour Update

                                             Genius Hour Update

          So far I have written a  letter to Joy. So now I am going to Joys        house so I can drop the letter in her letter box. I have got two          books ones called Horses and Ponies the other is called Horses.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Weedons Challenge!!

In the middle of August we went to Weedon's School and we played Hockey, Football and Netball. We were trying to win the Weedon's Cup. This year the cup stayed at Weedons! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


What does it mean to be Healthy 

Get a good night sleep. 

Eat Healthy food like vegetable and fruit.

 have some time outside. 

Put your device away and have some fun. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

100WC #35

Mum call me for breakfast.When I looked at it all I saw were millions of small pink, blue, orange, yellow and white 100s and 1000s, were scattered on my weetbix. I took one big mouth full ...but then it made my tongue tingle... It tasted Gross. Mum asked did you like it I said no it was gruss, try some it is gross. “Ok I will” so mum tried it. Mum’s face went pink I said “What's wrong Mum?” “nothing I just feel sick! “Why do you feel sick?” “I think I am a bad cook!” “You are a good cook, but  sometimes when you are in a rush you are a bad cook. Well I have to go now bye Mum!” “BYE!!”

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


                                 My Favorite Animals Are         PUPPIES

