Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My 100WC

                                      The Bear Family!

One sunny Monday afternoon the bear family when on a shopping spree. As the bears were on there way to the shops they crashed, so they had to go back home to get the the cool car to drive. By the time they had got to the shops, the shops had CLOSED! The bears were so sad they went home and had fish and chips for dinner and then went straight to bed! The next morning the bears got up and went to the beach as the got to the beach a man said to them they were to fat so they went home.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your story and to start with I wasn't sure if I would be able to bear it. Bears come in all shapes and sizes but it is wrong to say that there is barely any difference between bears. A bare bear would not drink beer. I look forward to your next story. I can hardly bear to wait!


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